103 E Main St.  |  PO Box 577  |  Treynor, IA 51575





New to Zion? Here's what to expect.

Zion Congregational Church is a group of imperfect people trying to live and love the message of Christ in the world. The grace and love of Jesus is at the center of everything we are and do. You'll probably hear our mission statement thrown around a lot here: "Growing and Going in Jesus' Name". We believe that God has called our church to "grow" all believers into disciples of Jesus, but also that the growth and maturation in faith experienced here is for a purpose--to "go" out into the world in the mighty name of Jesus so that everyone, everywhere may experience life in His name.

What Should I Wear?

There is not a formal dress code at Zion. We are just happy to see God's people get together.

When Should I Arrive?

Church services at Zion start each Sunday at 10am. You are welcome to arrive at any time. During the school year, there is Sunday School for kids ages 3+ and also some adult groups which meet from 9am-9:45am. Everyone is free to hang out in the entryway before church starts and enjoy some coffee and treats. When you are ready, head on into the sanctuary and get settled before the 10am service.

Where Should I Sit?

You can sit wherever you would like! There are chairs at the back of the sanctuary in what we call the "overflow," or you can sit in a church pew in the larger part of the sanctuary. Where you sit does not matter--we'll just be glad that you are there to worship together!

What if My Kids Make Noise?

It's OK! There are many families at Zion, and many parents and grand-parents too. People get it, and you won't get the stink-eye if your child becomes fussy. If you feel like you need a place to get your child settled down, there is a family room off of the sanctuary with a seating area and a window where you can watch the service. The window gives privacy to those inside, but still allows you to participate in worship.

What Kind of Music is at Zion?

Zion's services are a blended mix of traditional hymns and modern church music that you might hear on the radio. They hymns are usually led with a piano or organ, and the modern church music is led by our church's band, made up of kids and adults. We refuse to get involved in worship wars between the two types of music, and have committed to each other that if we sing a song which isn't our favorite, we will give grace to our neighbor who might be connecting with God with that song in a deep and meaningful way.

Do Kids Ever Leave the Service?

There is great value in kids growing up in church and seeing their parents, grandparents, and church family all worship together. For that reason, we've designed Zion's worship services to be for everyone, and there are elements in each service in which people of every age can find meaning. There are activity bags in the back of the church for younger kids who need some hands-on engagement during the service.

How Long are the Sermons?

Zion's pastor will typically preach for 20-25 minutes. Messages are designed to be practical and thought provoking, as we all deepen our faith together.